All Is Lost

Went to see the new lost-at-sea movie All Is Lost starring Robert Redford and absolutely no one else. He’s sailing solo across the Indian Ocean in a small yacht when his boat is hulled and starts taking on water… and things just get progressively worse.

It’s a movie told with maybe ten lines of dialog, very minimal music, and a ton of atmospheric sound effects (water, wood creaking, lines clanking, winches turning, etc.). The movie has the grace to assume you are smart enough to figure out what Redford’s doing all the time without having to explain it to you with voice over. It’s a compelling, dramatic movie and, I suspect, will be trully gripping to boaters… personally, I wasn’t quite as moved or horrified as I suspect they (boaters) would be. It has a workman-like take on the subject matter and isn’t nearly as compelling or exciting as its similarly-themes Gravity… but that’s because it’s not going for movie-level hyper drama. Redford gives it his all and it must have been a hell of a film shoot, specially since he’s not exactly a young man.

Good flick, I recommend.

Score: 82