Butler, The (2013)

Saw (Lee Daniel’s) The Butler, a very well-acted movie about the civil rights movement and race from the mid 50s through 2008 that incidentally is about a black butler in the White House from Eisenhower through Reagan. It’s got a sniff of Forrest Gump to it in that everything monumental during that time either happens to the Butler or his son (a fictionalized character for the movie that hits all the on-the-ground civil rights challenges). None of this is a real criticism of the movie other than what I think is a confused perspective on what “the butler” aspect of the movie meant. Though one criticism… the presidents are all distractedly played by well-known actors… Robin Wiliams (Eisenhower), James Marsden (Kennedy), Liev Shreiber (Johnson), John Cusack (inexplicably Nixon), and Professor Snape (Reagan)… (Alan Rickman under a ton of makeup). Good movie. Huge audience for 1:45 showing… and got some applause at the end.

Score: 84