
Saw Jobs… the Steve Jobs biopic (well, at least between 1974 and 2001)… which is an occasionally interesting, occasionally fun, but I suspect very frustrating and confusing movie to people who didn’t read his biography. Which doesn’t mean it’s bad… until the last 30 minutes or so where it gets dreadfully bogged down in corporate machinations that COULD have been great if filmed with competence. It also has a slight case of hero worship… there’s a big difference in showing a crowd of Apple employees go nuts worshiping the guy over the announcement of a tech gadget (that says something about the cult of personality) but if you add heroic champion music to it? Yeah… that doesn’t work on a movie level (unless you are a Jobs fanboy… they are announcing iPod… not storming the bastille). Ashton Kutcher as Jobs has the mannerisms down and a little of the look, but his voice is too high… and the guy playing Woz didn’t work at all. I’ve seen worse. But I’ve seen a lot better.

Score: 75