Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim – giant robots punch giant monsters in the FACE… if that sounds stupid to you, don’t see this movie. If that sounds awesome, see this movie. If this sounds secretly awesome but you won’t admit it, sneak out and see this movie.

Is this the best movie of the year? Nah. Is it a fun move that apologetically stars simple character types who drive 25 story tall robots in a war against undersea not-at-all-like-Godzilla monsters who want to wreck our cities because they are giant monsters who wreck cities.

This movie isn’t stupid because it’s only trying to be what it is. This movie is just trying to be fun and it is a lot of fun – by a film maker who understands how cool all this stuff is and is competent enough to film it well, fast, and smart.

I don’t think I’ve seen this much summer popcorn since maybe The Avengers. As much as I like movies like Man of Steel or World War Z, they are very serious and ponderous… or hate dumb-ass movies like Lone Ranger thing they have to pander to poop jokes and “aren’t heroes silly?” humor for 4 year olds… this movie doesn’t forget that sometimes good summer movie fun is about punching monsters in the face with rocket-powered fists while NOT pandering to the lowest common denominator in the audience.

I ultimately like other movies more this summer, but I would not blame anyone who loves this movie more than the other flicks (in fact, I’d be jealous).

Score: 86