
So saw Prisoners, the new up-with-people movie with Hugh Jackman, Jake Gylenhaal, Viola Davis, Terrence Howard, etc. Great cast, great acting, great cinematography (I think if the cameraman ever had a bright or cheery color on screen, they’d have him whipped).

It’s a somber, gloomy, sad march down ethical wash-out lane… It’s also a good little mystery thriller… one of those flicks where you aren’t 100% sure where it’s going and that’s good since the trailers appear to give a lot of the movie away. But it’s the morals and ethics the movie is playing with that’ll have your head going for a spin… and the fact that almost no one in this movie is innocent of wrong-doing (even the ultimate hero does some bad things).

But don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a movie that wallows in vice and awful for the sake of showing it on screen… it’s not pulp fiction or exploitation… and if you are unsure you want to see it because of its darkness, see it because it’s a smart, well-crafted movie that will challenge and make you think.

Score: 87