Ridiculous Six, The

The Ridiculous Six is a new Netflix-produced western comedy made by Happy Madison / Adam Sandler – it’s the first of four threatened direct-to-netflix movies by the Sandler crew. And, as an opening salvo, it effectively ruins everything. Just everything. Only thing good I can say about this movie is that it was at least free as part of an existing Netflix subscription. And I guess it drove the Hollywood industrial complex by giving people jobs.

I’m not sure what to say other than its just an overly long unfunny comedy set in the old west. I guess I smiled a tiny handful of times in the first 20 minutes of this two hour film and Vanilla Ice played Mark Twain in the style of Vanilla Ice which was kind of a cute meta bit of comedy, I suppose (being very charitable here).

Overall, an overly long, unfocused unfunny movie.

Score: 58