Run All Night

Run All Night is the latest low ambition Liam Neeson action flick – second one in 2015 (after Taken 3). Neeson this times plays a broken-down old drunk ex-hitman for Ed Harris’ icey-but-gone-legit old mobster. Neeson is trying to protect his estranged son while on the run (all night long!) from the mob, hitmen, and cops (both corrupt and clean).

This is a very good looking movie with great lighting and camera work but completely falls down when it comes to having a compelling story with compelling characters. All the well-shot, well-lit action scenes mean nothing if the characters aren’t either likable, or something (anything) other than flat, generic, and boring. The action scenes aren’t bad – they are propelling and well edited but they never rise to anything other than competent.

There’s a number of unearned emotional scenes that it’s clear they think we will care about (father and son, old friends, parents and cute little girls) but I was more interested in those three little pips on the lid of my soda (in other words, I was distracted and bored).

This could have been a good movie about age and regret but. alas, it failed.

Score: 58