Rush (2013)

Went to see Ron Howard’s new Formula One racing movie Rush – which is the true story about Norse God Man-Child James Hunt and Rat-Faced Egoist Niki Lauder (both real-life racers) and their rivalry in the 1970s. Pretty good movie… though one that I didn’t think really nailed the excitement of formula one racing (assuming it has any). Which is weird since it’s a sports movie… but then I was pleased to realize this is more of a drama about two people with completely different views on the sport of racing (and life) and that neither is the Good Guy or the Bad Guys. In fact, Niki Lauder is never once not being called a jerk but the movie doesn’t treat him poorly… nor is the less serious fun-loving Hunt put on a pedestal (even if he is played by Chris “My Pecs are Huge!” Hemsworth). It helped, while watching, that I knew nothing of the story other than something Bad Happens at some point so I was able to be feel the suspense and the surprise when it did. Interesting movie well told.

Score: 82