Upstream Color

Also saw (via iTunes streaming) the confounding experimental sci-fi/drama/romance/weirdness film Upstream Color (by the guy guy who made the confounding semi-experimental time travel movie Primer). This is a weird, surreal post-narrative movie that has people in it, they do things, and things happen that are weird and unexplained and then more weird and unexplained things happen. I should have hated this and been bored by it but it was kind of mesmerizing and while 80% of the movie doesn’t make sense at the time you watch it, it did start to piece together so by the end, I got (more-or-less) what was going on. What is going on? Something about a larval insect that makes people highly suggestible and possibly psychically linked to others. Or something. And then someone recites Walden by Thorough and dives to the bottom of a pool to collect rocks…. what?

Score: 70