Wolverine, The

Went to see (of course) The Wolverine, the new X-Men movie (that is not a sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine but is a sequel to X-Men 3… Wolverine is traumatized by the events of X3… while we, the audience, were traumatized by having to see it – har-de-har-har). Anyhow, Hugh Jackman is back as are a few others (wait about two minutes into the end credits!) and he’s in Japan where it’s Wolverine vs. Yakuza, ninja, samurai, and some other mutants… because why not? It’s a good action flick with a little too much shaky-cam and is made a bit more impressive by knowing that sometimes it’s ok to be quiet and contemplative in between big action set pieces. It’s not the best movie around… but compared to X-Men Origins, it’s a friggin’ masterpiece of artistry and intelligence (hint: nobody uses a bullet to give anyone amnesia).

Score: 83