Tiger’s Apprentice, The

The Tiger’s Apprentice looks cheap… very basic character models, a suspiciously empty San Francisco, and a zodiac of animals but most of them are conveniently sidelined. This movie is cheap and plain… I wouldn’t say ugly, just noticeably generic. Cost saving. And somehow it got a Paramount+ release.

It’s about a teen in San Francisco with a magic grandma. He finds himself in an age-old battle with an evil force and only the animals of the Chinese zodiac can help him save the day.

While the art and animation is uninspired and cheap, the action scenes tend to be smoothly animated. The story is your bargain basement chosen one type thing… not told poorly nor told well. The movie is aggressively whatever… meh… generic.

The voice cast is good… Henry Golding, Lucy Liu, Sandra Oh, Michelle Yeoh… not a group of name-brand actors to sneeze at. Not that they save the movie, but they put in the effort.

This flick isn’t aggressively awful enough to remember in a few months. It’s cheap but competent and may entertain on a basic, overly familiar level. I’ve seen worse… but it’s so pedestrian as to be completely forgettable.

Score: 66