Stolen (2024)

Stolen is a Swedish film about the Sami people… and the only thing I knew about the Sami people going in was a minor dust-up when Frozen 2 came out (the native peoples in that film were dressed like the Sami and some people were angered at their depiction). So when I saw the description for this film on Netflix, I was curious.

The film is about the Sami, a reindeer herding people of northern Sweden. It’s largely about their treatment among non-Sami Swedes and how they have to contend with poachers and land rights. Specifically, it follows a young woman who wants to continue her people’s herding ways… and how she butts heads with everyone.

The film is spoken in Northern Sami (with subtitles) so I assume the depiction of the people is accurate as well. They are not shown as tribal migrants following reindeer herds but thoroughly modern people, snowmobiles and cell phones included.

I largely enjoyed this film just because it showed me a people and a filming location that I’m not familiar with. Their land is gorgeous and so are all the reindeer which I assume are actual herds managed by the people.

it’s also simply a good “vs.” movie… the Sami vs. the other townsfolk, the Sami vs. The Man, reindeer herding vs. mining. Specifically the lead character played by Elin Kristina Oskal is more willing to be at odds with everyone, including her own people’s leaders. So there’s a thrilling bit of woman vs. pretty much everyone that I enjoyed as well.

I suppose not a lot specifically happens in the film for quite a bit of time so your enjoyment would be tied to how interesting the depictions are. There is an ongoing thriller threat from a poacher that’s pretty good too but it weaves in and out of the story. Maybe its resolution isn’t the most amazing thing but it wasn’t bad either.

Also, animal harm is in the content warning on Netflix and that’s accurate. The film is about reindeer poaching, after all and they don’t shy shy away from what that looks like.

This is a pretty solid drama with thriller elements. Watch it for its depiction of a culture you may not know, watch it as a fight against authority, or watch it for the pretty scenery and the reindeer. It’s a pretty good flick that’s different from most everything else out there.

Score: 84