Cinderella’s Revenge

Sometimes you just gotta watch Cinderella take her revenge in a low budget borderline slasher film that throws in a gratuitous sex scene at the very end… and an explosion. Because sometimes… somtimes a little cinder girl needs to get hands dirty.

Cinderella’s Revenge starts out as the same old tale… though Natasha Henstridge plays a Fairy Godmother unstuck in time so she can call upon the services of Tom Ford, Vidal Sassoon, and Christian Louboutin for the outfit and Elon Musk’s electric horseless carriage for the transport. Yes, this horror comedy knows how dumb it is and leans into the stupid. And the bloody revenge when things don’t go to plan after the ball.

Dumb and Cheap with a capital D and C… there’s no reason to watch this unless you want tongue-in-cheek goofiness in a fairly course and fairly low budget bloody revenge flick. I was mildly entertained… and yet a little bored since, y’know, 90 minutes of this is an ask.

Oh, and it opens with a pretty fun riot grrl anthem with lyrics that will surely trigger the sensitive men’s rights activists out there. It’s better than the rest of the movie.

I’m not sure what else there’s to say. It’s not very good but it did amuse me. If you got in expecting good-natured trash, you’ll get good-natured trash.

Score: 68