Under the Boardwalk

Under the Boardwalk was an overlooked 2023 animated film that I heard was pretty good. One of these two things was true… it was definitely overlooked. 

For some inexplicable reason, it’s about hermit crabs living under a Jersey boardwalk and is replete with timely Jersey Shore references. And I’m immediately confused… how universal of a scenario is hermit crabs in Jersey that someone snapped a finger and said “That’s it!” 

But, then again, it’s directed by the same dude who made a movie about a racing snail (Turbo, which was pretty decent) so I guess small creatures with shells is his jam. And so too is maybe a New Jersey setting? It seems like a very specific kink to me.

As to the actual movie – a basic star-crossed lovers between shore and sea hermit crabs – it’s a great big whatever. It’s certainly not as bad as some throw-away animated flicks I’ve seen this year… but it’s still pretty generic and full of generic songs and humor.

I could have not seen it. I could have kept this movie from your virgin eyes. But here we are… Under the Boardwalk was – and is – an overlooked movie and we’d all have been better off if it had stayed that way. 

Score: 68