My Old Ass

My Old Ass is a romance. A romance with comedy and a little magical realism… but it’s not a romantic comedy nor is it fantasy/sci-fi. It has elements of those things but mainly its a sweet and earnest straight-up romance that will make you smile.

It’s about a teenage girl (Maisy Stella) who drops magic mushrooms and meets her (almost) 40 year old self (Aubrey Plaza). Her old ass doesn’t outright tell her about her future but she does warn her away from Chad. Who is Chad? Wouldn’t she liked to know.

To get it out of the way, Maisy Stella is a wonderful, fresh-faced newcomer who does a bang up job. She doesn’t exactly look too much like Aubrey Plaza and they have the wit to mention that up front. But they are pretty convincing playing the old ass and the young ass versions of herself and their scenes are fun.

And she does meet a Chad and the Chad is not a Chad, he’s just a Chad. And they have chemistry up the wazoo… and he seems too perfect and she seems too cagey and they charmingly butt heads. Their banter is charming, their secret glances are charming, and good grief this movie is charm central.

But it’s also a little meandering and quiet so I felt a solid “good but not great” rating was in order. But there’s a scene in the final act with some fantastic and loaded emotional acting from both Plaza and Stella that knocked me over. The implications and perspective on what love is and how it’s worth the risk is wonderful. And from that point, I was feeling the vibes as this sweet coming-of-age/romance came to a natural conclusion. One that I wanted more from… and I’ve said it before, but if a movie can make me ask “and then what??!” it has succeeded. It doesn’t happen often but it happened this time.

This a wonderful film that succeeds at being heart-warming, earnest, and real. Great casting, gentle and smart wit, a real feel for young romance that wraps you up in an electric blanket on a cold night. Check it out.

Score: 86