Apprentice, The

So Donald Trump threatened to sue this movie because he says it’s election interference? But he didn’t threaten to sue a movie literally called Vindicating Trump? It’s almost like he attacks, attacks, attacks anything and lies about the reasons.

So I went to see The Apprentice partially because it might hurt Trump’s widdle feelings… but also because I had to see what handsome boy Sebastian Stan could do with a Trump impersonation. And, frankly, Trump should be pleased they picked him. He’s probably one of few actors who wouldn’t pull off an Alec Baldwin level impersonation.

So the flick follows the rise of Donald Trump as a poor little rich boy working landlord rent collection for his dad up to some random point that feels like they just gave up and said “The End”. Specifically it’s about how Trump became friends with Roy Cohn who taught him all his dirty tricks and philosophies about never admitting defeat and being a big stwong manly man.

And, yeah, the rumor about how good Jeremy Strong is as Cohn and Stan as Trump are true. I’d chuck in Maria Bakalova as Ivana Trump for good measure. This is a very solid actor’s movie with Strong doing the best job because we already have plenty sense of how Trump behaves but a little less so Cohn. So his creation of a fascinating, ruthless asshole is pretty impressive.

I’m not sure we learn much about Donald Trump that we didn’t bring in with us. And, frankly, how you feel about his depiction depends completely on what you think of him in the first place. Except for a couple things (looking at your Ivana Trump scene), most everything they have Trump do or say would horrify his haters and encourage his supporters. Just because I think his attitude towards, for example, declaring victory despite my lying eyes is despicable, fans of his kind of personality would love it. Different strokes for different blokes.

The film is far from perfect though… because my god does it take its time running out the clock. The events depicted just aren’t universally interesting enough for a solid two hour runtime. Plus there are just “ha ha because it’s true” bits that just stick out like a sore thumb… like an otherwise pointless interview with Barbara Walters where they joke about him running for president. Has nothing to do with the movie other than ha ha he ran for president.

I’d say it’s worth seeing for anyone on either side of the political divide who wouldn’t mind seeing the origin story of this guy. The people who made it probably intended it as a hit piece but I doubt hardcore MAGA types would hate it… except for a few scenes.

Score: 84