You’re Cordially Invited

Wait a second. A wedding comedy starring Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell? When I think of these two comedians in comedies, two very different things show up in my head. A Will Ferrell rom-com and a Reese Witherspoon rom-com are two very different things. But here we are and somehow – at least in my estimation – they work together.

The film is about Will Ferrell’s daughter and Reese Witherspoon’s sister getting married (to different grooms). They wind up double-booked at a small inn on a smaller island. They agree to share the grounds… but naked aggression and annoyance cannot be controlled and soon the two wedding parties (or at least the co-stars) are at war.

Despite my best efforts, I laughed pretty continuously at this flick. I’m not known to like Ferrel’s more bro-type comedy nor Witherspoon’s sappy rom-com comedies so I’m genuinely surprised. I thought this would just be a generic and desperate rom-com/battle film. And yet I laughed. Kind of often.

And, to be clear, it’s definitely a lot of generic scenarios – you won’t be surprised by much of anything – but it’s done well. I mean, you won’t have your expectations shattered but as long as there’s a touch of romance and hope things go right, then maybe that’s enough when the comedy works too.

I laughed often and loud. I’m genuinely shocked, but here we are. I can’t say it’ll be for everyone and I expect the knives will be out for it, but I think the flick works. Even if leans a little more Ferrell than it does Witherspoon.

Score: 86