F Marry Kill

F Marry Kill is a fun and cute little movie that plays with genre and social games… in this case F, Marry, Kill as part of a rom-com mystery/thriller.

It stars Hale as a woman just getting back into the dating scene. Because she listens to a true crime podcast, she becomes convinced one of the three men she’s interested in might be a serial killer. Enter a game of real life F Marry Kill where “kill” keeps shifting as new (circumstantial) evidence and paranoia build up.

Hey, credit Lucy Hale for making a terrible Truth or Dare movie and now a fairly amusing F Marry Kill film. Give her long enough, she’ll run through enough social games and wind up in a high stakes game of One Night Werewolf. I’d watch it. She’s become a surprising fun actress… I’m always more interested when her name appears in the cast list.

She’s her usual amusing self in this one and she’s surrounded by various bozos and clowns and weird friends. It’s a fun cast doing fun things with the amusing thriller mash-up mystery premise. I’m not sure I laughed but I was reasonably amused and had a good enough time.

F Marry Killer is a fun time with genre comedy. Not an amazing film but certainly watchable, especially if you like hair-brained romantic comedies maybe with a bit of a dark side. A goofy dark side, but a dark side.

Score: 77