Succubus (2024)
Succubus is a weird mixture of trashy, sexy, sensual, surreal, icky, campy, and wired. I didn’t expect much going in… mainly maybe a little trashy fun, but honestly not a lot of hope for a good film. But I was … Continue reading
Succubus is a weird mixture of trashy, sexy, sensual, surreal, icky, campy, and wired. I didn’t expect much going in… mainly maybe a little trashy fun, but honestly not a lot of hope for a good film. But I was … Continue reading
The Radleys is a vampire film… a horror (?) comedy (??) about a suburban family of vampires. The parents know what they are and choose to Abstain, their teenage son and daughter don’t know. But when the daughter goes Vegan, … Continue reading
Die Alone is a great example of how a mediocre flick can saves itself in the third act. Its finale is so good, I kind of hate the movie for wasting so much time in the first two acts. How … Continue reading
Tonight in “Generic Movie Titles You’ll Forget in a Minute Theater” it’s Don’t Move. Not to be mixed up with Hold Your Breath, Never Let Go, Blink Twice, Speak No Evil, Afraid, The Last Breath, and It’s What’s Inside… all … Continue reading
Your Monster is a weird one. For one thing, it should be called My Monster <shakes tiny fist at uncaring universe>. But it’s also a horror/comedy… but no, it’s actually a horror/rom-com… even if I think the horror bit was … Continue reading
Family Pack is a Netflix family-friendly French horror/comedy (with emphasis on comedy) time travel legally distinct Jumanji knock-off. It also borrows amusingly and heavily from Werewolf… and Ultimate Werewolf, One Night Werewolf, and One Week Ultimate Werewolf. And Loup Garou, … Continue reading
I generally liked the first two Venom films which is why I’m disappointed – but not surprised – the third one came out so wonky. It’s in Sony’s nature to push too hard on their borrowed Marvel characters and screw … Continue reading
Bagman is a thread-bare premise draped lazily over alleged folklore from across time and cultures. Which was a bit of hubbaloo in the middle of a film that barely has a plot to begin with. It’s about a couple with … Continue reading
I fully expected to hate this film… because I haven’t liked ANY of the previous Hellboy movies. Yes, even Del Toro’s two and the much maligned 2019 David Harbour one. I thought I’d watch it half-jokingly for Halloween even though … Continue reading
Carved is clearly a short film stretched beyond its limits to reach a full length feature. It’s so full of padding and mediocre family drama that it even calls itself out on it. They just should have made it a … Continue reading