Platform 2, The
For the first half of Platform 2, I was wondering what all the negativity was about. I kind of loved the first film for its simple social metaphor. It was a Twilight Zone / Black Mirror type message film but … Continue reading
For the first half of Platform 2, I was wondering what all the negativity was about. I kind of loved the first film for its simple social metaphor. It was a Twilight Zone / Black Mirror type message film but … Continue reading
V/H/S/Beyond is like all of the other V/H/S films… a mixed bag. Some good shorts, some bad… too many in the bad camp this late in the franchise’s life, honestly. In this case, the theme of the shorts is UFOs … Continue reading
I read Salem’s Lot back in the 80s or 90s. It’s very early Stephen King and I guess it wasn’t bad, but it was kind of unmemorable too. In fact, it’s so unmemorable, I totally forgot there was a 3 … Continue reading
As a guy who liked the first Joker (had some issues but most of it worked), I was uncertain how to feel about this sequel going in. Word of mouth wasn’t great. And, wow, were my lowered expectations met…. and … Continue reading
Apartment 7A is a moribund waste of time. Ironically, if it were just a straight up remake of Rosemary’s Baby, it’d have been more watchable. But instead they base it on some irrelevant backstory and then proceed to basically tell … Continue reading
The biggest problem with Monster Summer isn’t that it’s a children’s horror movie, it’s the misleading advertising. This isn’t a movie about monsters at all… no werewolves, no creatures from black lagoons, no Frankenstein’s whatever, not even a particularly nasty … Continue reading
They can’t fool me… Azrael is the name of a cat. But maybe this flick has a deep backstory where Smurf-loving parents named their first born daughter after an evil cat? Maybe… but that assumes this frickin’ movie has a … Continue reading
A bunch more classics I’ve seen recently… that is, films prior to 2000… so forgive the inclusion of a late 90s film, will ya! 1923 – Safety Last – A rather amusing silent Harold Lloyd comedy that’s really just a … Continue reading
His Three Daughters didn’t goose me into watching it after checking out the first fifteen minutes on the day it released on Netflix. And it’s a 2023 movie so figured I could skip it. And then everyone and his brother’s … Continue reading
Will & Harper is a personal Netflix documentary that follows professional funny actor Will Ferrell and professional funny writer Harper Steele as they drive cross country. Harper recently transitioned to a woman so we watch two old friends meet again … Continue reading