An advanced civilization that looks, acts, speaks, and dislocates its shoulders exactly like modern humans existed 65 million years ago. A spaceship piloted by Adam Driver crashes on Earth. Can he survive the wildlife and get off planet before the asteroid that wiped out the dinos hits?

This is a pretty dumb movie that I found myself actively rewriting in my head while watched it. It’s not After Earth dumb, just highly unimaginative and unambitious. It has a premise and thinks that’s enough to carry a startlingly short 90 minutes film.

They make no effort to make the not-Earthlings look anything but like you ‘n me. I get it… they have to make the characters relatable to the audience and pasting some Star Trek nubbins on Driver’s face would have been cheesy. But they could have come up with something to make them more alien… even a more abstract spaceship or weird technology. After Earth – which is a far, far worse film – has more of an imagination than this turkeyburger. And that’s sayin’ something.

It wouldn’t matter if the movie were better. A lot can be forgiven if the film were more solid, smart, or was having campy fun. Instead we just get a bog standard set of action/adventure events that are no better and kinda worse than some of the lesser Jurassic World sequels. And then the movie ends… 90 minutes isn’t long enough for this story… but it turns out to be just the right length to thankfully roll credits.

It’s a pretty mediocre movie… to be fair, the final dino brawl was decent and the film looks alright. But it was so low effort, low energy, and low ambition that it deserves a shrug of a score.

Score: 66