Ooooh… Latin. Ad Vitam makes this French Netflix movie sound fancy, or introspective, or deep… or if not those, able to summon Deadites. But, no, it’s just a too-lah-de-da title for a pretty generic but entertaining action flick.
It’s about a guy who meets a gal as part of a SWAT-like team in France… they become friends, and then more than friends… and eventually leave the force. They get in trouble with some mysterious no-good-niks and he has to save his pregnant wife… who is pretty good with a gun herself.
After a so-so in-medias-res intro, the flick flashes back so we can spend an extended amount of time getting to know this couple. I mean… it goes for a LONG time and, you know, maybe that’s not so bad. We get to actually know and hopefully like them.
As an action flick though, it has some and it’s not bad… but, seriously, don’t come for the gunplay since there just isn’t much of it. That said, there’s a pretty good one shot car chase. The kind we’ve become very familiar with but, still, its energetic and has high stakes.
Yeah, this is a pretty good film. As long as you don’t need wall-to-wall action, it’s an entertaining enough flick that puts its leads forward and tries to get you to care. Before the gunfights. It’s pretty decent.
Score: 81