Checked out of a very bad sci-fi horror film on Netflix called Assimilate. This is a Body Snatchers / Pod People type remake without an original idea in its head. Well, except that the two leads are aspiring YouTubers and if they can get footage of pod people online, they can blow this thing wide open. Insert Internet Outage here.
So this movie is unoriginal and not very interesting in any of its ideas. This has all been done before by better Body Snatchers type movies and tv shows. In fact, it also fails in that the pod people act more like zombies than anything else… thus making most of the action scenes nothing more than what you’ve seen on The Walking Dead or two dozen other zombie movies. I guess there’s a bit of found footage angle here too as the kids where body cams to film the action… but that’s haphazardly done and, frankly, unwelcome.
There’s a decent ending, I suppose. And I mean the very last minute of a film that takes waaay too long to. Maybe this movie should have been one third of a horror film anthology… but as it it is, there’s not enough here to be interesting.
Score: 64