Batman: Gotham by Gaslight

Also rented Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, a new DC cartoon film on iTunes/Apple TV. This is a Batman film set in the late 19th century where Batman battles Jack the Ripper (and wanders through Oliver Twist a bit).
This isn’t a very good movie but maybe your tolerance for it will depend on how much of a kick the translation of Batman tropes to steam-punk, industrial age world and technology gives you. They do a decent job of transferring outfits, social trends, technology, and the like to the 19th century, I’ll admit. However, it was ALL the same tropes… it may be clever, but it’s 90% not original. So I found most of it tiresome and repetitive.
Batman, with the aide of Catwoman, have to track down Jack the Ripper, a mysterious cloaked slasher taking out the Gotham prostitutes. And by taking out, I mean bloody splatter and violence and when I say prostitutes, I mean prostitutes. This a very Rated R cartoon, certainly not meant for the kids.
There was a nice surprise reveal of who Jack the Ripper is that legitimately worked. Most of the rest of the film was okish and the animation was brief and limited. They didn’t spend a ton of money on the flick and it shows.
Not a terrible movie. Probably not worth catching up on unless you loves yer animated Batman flicks or dig the idea of 19th century Batman.
Score: 68