The Bayou is not a good movie… but its got a curious level of competency AND incompetency that makes it a bit of low rent trashy fun. I’m not saying it’s good, but it’s weirdly amusing.
It’s about a small plane that crashes in the swamps of the American south and the survivors have to survive a gang of drugged out killer gators. Y’see, a DEA raid on a drug production outfit caused a leak of a purple liquid drug that’s driven the gators mad.
I guess this is basically one of the many Cocaine Bear knock-offs. But it never really does anything fun with the idea of tweakin’ gators… they are just like regular movie gators chasing down walking meat bags. The film takes itself too seriously to be on the level of Cocaine Bear.
But it’s still funny… because the screenwriter seems to have had a limited grasp of the English language. He’s either grossly incompetent at writing the way people talk or English wasn’t his first language. Too bad none of the actors pointed out their turns of phrase were often nonsense. But given their curious accents, maybe English wasn’t their first language either? This isn’t a crime, just an amusing observation for a movie about a bunch of Americans lost in a swamp.
Also amusing, the incompetent blocking as characters say the craziest things within feet of people they are talking about. It’s hilariously stupid all around and funny enough to make the flick kinda watchable.
Also, for low budget CGI gators, the gators actually look pretty good. They act in a way that gators don’t and sometimes attack in ways that defy logic (and gravity)… but it’s a big dumb killer gator movie so I guess that’s par for the swampy gator-filled course.
The Bayou is a dumb bad movie that’s kind of charmingly off-kilter. If you enjoy bad movies for being bad movies, you might want to give it a chance. Everyone else, nah.
Score: 68