Bingo Hell

I was surprised – given it’s reputation so far – how much I enjoyed Bingo Hell. In fact, I thought the comedic tone with serious social issues in the first half was very good. But when it gets down to brass tacks of being a scary movie, it does start to show its limitations.

Bingo Hell (which I think is a great title) is about an old woman who frowns and curses at the goddamn hipsters moving into her neighborhood. She commiserates with the other old folk who insist on (or have no other alternative) to keep living in the area. But at least they have weekly Bingo… until some goddamn rich guy buys up the Bingo hall and turns it into something garish that hands out huge winnings. He’s surely up to something… what with his devilish grin.

I enjoyed the focus on the neighborhood and on gentrification… though, to be honest, these characters would just hate any change at all, I think. It’s the the light comedic tone that worked for me. Yes, serious issue but the movie has fun with the cantankerous old lady routine.

And I was with the movie up until they start fighting back against the evil Bingo hall. It’s not a bad movie at that point, but you can see the limitations of the director kick in when they try to get scary. It’s not the end for the movie, but it does drag down what was an otherwise fun little flick.

So I’m pretty mixed on the movie but I still think I like it more than most (inexplicably so). It’s a pretty decent, fun movie with a unique idea and setting. And, in my opinion, a pretty great title.

Score: 76