Black Holes: The Edge of All We Know

An interesting documentary about the scientific team that recently used an array of telescopes across the planet to piece together a picture of a massive black hole. It’s a slightly less complete documentary abut black holes in general, as suggested by the film’s subtitle.

I basically enjoyed both halves of the film but found it, as a general laymen’s overview of black holes, to be wanting. But that first half with all the geeky excited physicists (who are smarter about this than I’ll ever be about anything) is pretty interesting. It’s genuinely heart-warming to see these guys and gals be so giddy about what gets them up in the morning.

A pretty good documentary. There are better examinations about Black Holes that’ll really send shivers (of excitement and fear) down your spine. But if you want to see smart people doing smart, competent things, this is a good watch.

Score: 78