Also went to see the sexual harassment / Fox News drama Bombshell. It’s a tough one to talk about since I know some people will see it as a liberal hit-job on Fox News and others will see it as a apt hit-job on Fox News. But I think both are wrong since it’s more a hit job on workplace sexual harassment which is a thing that should have no political sides. Though it does. Sigh.
So Bombshell is the real-life (possibly even true!) story of Fox News host Gretchen Carlson suing Fox boss Roger Ailes for sexual harassment in 2016. It also cover Megyn Kelly and her dust-up with then-candidate Trump (blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her weherever) who also had her run-ins with Ailes. Carlson is played well by Nicole Kidman but it’s Charlize Theron as Kelly and Margot Robbie as a created character both steal this movie. John Lithgow is remarkably good as Roger Ailes.
Both Theron and Lighgow are covered in a lot of fantastic makeup to make them look like their real-life counterparts. This works best with Theron who so looks like Megyn Kelly I’d occasionally forget who she was under the makeup. Lithgow’s makeup is a bit more tradition “pile-on-the-fatsuit” type stuff but still looks great.
But what makes this movie work more than anything else is the acting. The three ladies do a great job in general but its in how they deliver the emotional gutpunch of distress over their situations that makes the movie work. Seeing one of them have to lift her dress to show a little leg or break down on the phone when she finally gave in to the “demands” of the job turns this movie into a real emotional call to arms. They make you – anyone in the audience with empathy – understand the power dynamics and the fear and shame that can result from a person with power trying to dominate you.
Surprisingly, Lithgow’s turn as Ailes has more nuance than I expected. Yes, he’s the pig and villain of the film but that’s not all he is. He’s not made a good guy, though… but he is given three dimensions. Maybe he is a powerful, intelligent, crafty person who cares about (some of) his employees. There’s talk about how good a boss he can be, how he can defend his workers, and pay them a salary when on their deathbeds. This version of the man is in the movie… it’s just that he’s the other version as well. I appreciate the writing and acting that gave, if not the other side of the story, at least a more realized human than I would have expected (especially if this was just a hit piece).
I think this is a very powerful film that I hope people will watch without their axes that need grinding. I doubt some will be able to, despite the apparent truth to the allegations (based on the fallout). The movie does have some other negatives to say about Fox News but it also makes its anchors/hosts the good guys (though without glossing over their personalities and opinions). I think the only real thing being attacked here is workplace sexual harassment.
Score: 83