Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy is the third Bridget Jones film and it launches on Valentine’s Day on Peacock… wait… what? It’s the fourth Bridget Jones movie? Bridget Jone’s Baby came out in 2016? And I saw it? And I forgot it existed? And I have a review for it?!!? Wow… guess it made a HUGE impression.

So, yeah, Renee Zellweger is back as the newly returned to singleton life Bridget Jones, only now with two children and a lorry-full of grief. Y’see, Mr. Darcy has passed, leaving her a very depressed star in her forth romantic comedy. So we watch her (endlessly) as she pulls herself back up, heads back to work, dates too many guys, and dear god will this movie end?

Pretty sure I died and my hell was watching hours of this movie and yet it only being half-way done. I even dozed off during the twenty hour final scenes and woke up with the movie still going.

The sick, sad thing is, the movie is only two hours long and it isn’t actually as terrible as the above paragraph suggests… it’s just that it’s so shaggy and aimless that it winds up with no central driving plot. Obviously if you are into the characters and her romantic problems, the film will sail on breazy and harmless.

I’m not even sure it’s that bad a movie, to be honest. The actors are putting in the effort, at least. But maybe I’m just a grouch.

Score; 67