Classic Horror Story, A

A Classic Horror Story on Netflix takes wild swings that sometimes connect and sometimes not. If you’re watching it and thinking “this is like a lot of other horror movies” just grit your teeth and remind yourself of the title. And know they are going to take one of those wild swings eventually that justifies the tropes. Whether that wild swing ultimately works for you will be the deciding factor.

The film is about a five people on a road trip through the Italian wilderness. They eventually run off the road and wake up next to one of them there Cabins in the Wood with no idea how they got so far off the road or how to get back. And then come the pagan death cultists and the seemingly warping of space that keeps them trapped in the area. Who will live… and what will be left of them?

A lot of this movie is a little too slow and repetitive for its own good… but I think that might partially be intentional. It’s hard to say. But even when it’s not moving at the fastest pace and even when it starts to remind you of other films, it can still be a pretty decent horror flick. Some of the imagery, editing, and music can be creepy and disturbing… and there’s a suitable amount of splatter (though it doesn’t win any awards).

But on its way to being the most generic mash-up of Cabin in the Woods and Midsommar, it pulls a trick that I won’t spoil. And that trick plays into the title of the movie. This flick has an idea… it makes a thesis statement about horror movies and how the culture interacts with them. It’s interesting, kind of clever, and also super on-the-nose. It gets a little heavy-handed and, dare I say, preachy. So even its wildest swing is both good and bad.

So this is a mixed review. I think horror movie fans who want a little swerve in their entertainment might get something out of it. I’m not sure it would appeal to non-horror fans either as a horror or as a commentary on horror. But kudos for trying.

Score: 78