Courier, The

I (almost) got nothing. The Courier is one of those movies where I paused and realize there’s a full hour and change left and I have no idea how they are going to fill the time. Repeat at a half hour remaining.

The sad thing is, the movie starts with a propulsive pace and great music. I was quite into it… but then the door shut and I lost all interest. Granted, I’m not a huge fan of standard issue crime films so, if you are, you might get something out of it.

The flick is about a young guy who cons his way into becoming an international courier to help criminals launder money. It’s based on a true story with the opening assuring us many changed have been made to protect the innocent and guilty. Also, it was a huge financial scandal in Spain that apparently did real damage to the economy. So I’m sure it means a lot to its Spanish audience.

But not so much for me. After that great opening, I just lost all interest. Spaniards may disagree… die hard crime movie fans may disagree. But there was nothing going on in the film that kept my focus. But maybe that’s just me.

Score: 68