Drawing Closer

If you have a stony, cynical heart, you might hate this schmaltzy film. If you love a doomed romance involving sick and dying teens, you’ll love it. If you are like me, a little more cynical, a little more reserved, it’s worth giving a chance.

This Japanese Netflix film is about a boy with a year left to live who meets a girl with six months to go. She’s looking forward to heaven and he can’t understand her optimism. But she teaches him.

The movie is sweet and lovely and OMG it might have taken me an extra hour, but it eventually kicked me in the emotional gut. Multiple times in the third act, in fact. If you are susceptible to these kinds of movies, then bring two boxes of Kleenex. You’ll need ’em.

If you are more leery and cynical of cinematic schmaltz, the movie might not break down your barriers. It is just a doomed teen romance flick and there have been plenty of those. I don’t think it breaks any new barriers of this sub-genre… it’s just a good one of these. Or an eye-rolling pile of corny schmaltz if you’re nasty.

The cast is earnest and pretty and they add some nice extra characters to add to the sadness. There’s an emotional scene between the boy and his family that was the first dam to break… then her lovely grace broke most of the rest.

This familiar movie in a familiar genre earns its tears. Maybe not a full break-down from me, but enough. You know if this is your kind of thing so take the dive… or remain stoic off to the side if it isn’t.

Score: 86