Guns Akimbo

Also rented a streaming movie (via iTunes) an action comedy called Guns Akimbo. This one stars Danielle Radcliffe in his continuing utter and admirable disinterest in chasing his Harry Potter status into huge mainstream films. Hopefully it’s that and not that he can’t get those big parts…
Guns Akimbo is a comedically nasty little action film about an internet troll who harasses fans of a real life illegal death match between two players in major cities. Not happy about the harassment, the psychos running the game kidnap him, bolt guns to his hands, and makes him an unwitting participant. On the run from a woman diagnosed psychotic at twelve (played by Samara Weaving), he tries to stay alive.
If you are at all familiar with the Crank movies, this movie will be very familiar. It has the same hyperactive and deranged editing style with a camera that has zero interest in staying chill. Slow motion, flipping and swirling in space, random inserts, lots of blood, and a general disregard for human frailties… the movie does a good job of staying deranged.
Unfortunately, it goes on a little long and starts to feel like it’s trying too hard. There’s either not enough story to hold the crazy for the entire length or I just got tired with the style over substance approach.
But if this is the kind of movie that might appeal to you, it might be worth checking out. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hold up for the entire run time… at least for me. You may have a different opinion – the movie might hold up the entire length.
Score: 69