Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

You know, I envy kids who grew up with the Harry Potter books and films. For me growing up, I had three great Star Wars movies, kinda sorta three Back to the Future films, and a bunch of mostly independent 007 films. But to have grown up watching 8 Harry Potter movies over 10 years and not realizing how special and miraculous it was they got through them with them all being good and retaining most of the actors? That’s special.

But I didn’t. I read the books as they came out, not realizing that Sorcerer’s Stone was the start of this great big thing. Then the movies started to drop and they were pretty darn good and consistent. But they aren’t sentimental to me… not really. Not in the ways that matter.

Even then though I felt a certain warmth in my chest when this special started. Sure, get the three main cast members back together to wax fondly about them growing up making the movies, get the various side characters, grab the directors, producers, and (archival footage) of JK Rowling… even I got a little choked up at the beginning.

But this special did not come to bury Caesar, but to praise him. This is basically a giant bobble of nostalgia to assure us that everything was just awesome on the Harry Potter set and the movies (and books) are worth our continued adoration. And buying power (to be super cynical). It was kind of fun to play the “What’s the state of their career” with the actors as they showed up.

But I didn’t learn much beyond some random trivia and some behind-the-scenes footage. Not that I came for an education… I’m sure there’s tons of making of content out there already. This isn’t the time for that… this is them taking a well-deserved victory lap.

I liked this production. It’s a suitable gift for the fans and I’m sure it makes all sorts of feelings well up for those thirty-somethings who grew up on this franchise. I just hope they don’t do crappy prequels to ruin your childhoo… oh yeah… Fantastic Beasts is still happening. Errr <tugging at collar>.

Score: 83