Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

This vampire film is almost impossible to classify… is it a romance? a comedy? A Romantic Comedy? A horror movie? Not really any of those… even with all the vampires. It’s also not as quirky as the title suggests… it’s a lot more introspective and mournful without ever going full emo or goth. It does have its dark comedy and romance too.

The flick is about French Canadian vampires just trying to get by… and hide the corpses when necessary. A “young” female vampire in the family doesn’t want to kill and her fangs haven’t come out anyway. That is, until she meets an awkward teen boy who is borderline suicidal.

I kind of loved the first two thirds of the film film but I don’t think it nails the landing. It grows a little unfocused and kind of loses a certain amount of its unique voice. Yet it maintains its characters so its hardly a total loss. Most of the film is very good regardless

There is humor and romance but I wouldn’t call it a rom-com. I’d say its more akin to a dark romance though with awkward, amusing moments. The POV character is largely the vampire girl so it’s not really going for horror though it does have vampiric peril.

This flick is in conversation with Let the Right One In… or a less YA Twilight. The main couple look like older teens and the tone of the film is pretty somber and thoughtful. Very much a less horror companion piece to Let the Right One In and a darker tone than Twilight.

I enjoyed this movie and wished it had been just a little more interesting its final act. But it’s still a good, watchable, introspective vampire story that takes vamps seriously. It’s a good watch regardless of whether it feels like the overly-wacky and inaccurate title.

Score: 84