Ice Age: Collision Course

So my A/C is out and I have a repair dude coming in between 1 and 6. So what to do in an uncomfortably warm house? Go to a movie! Joel going to a movie? Unheard of!
But I’ve kind of seen everything at the local theater except Ice Age: Collision Course and 9 Lives. So between a movie about a talking cat (!?!) played by Kevin Spacey and the 5th, 10th or, I dunno, 20th Ice Age movie, I decided to see Ice Age. Because Ice, Air Conditioning! It’s a theme!
So, yes, I saw this movie because the movie theater had air conditioning and I gotta go see something, I guess. That’s a great mindset to go see a movie in its fourth or fifth or eighth week.
And, yeah, there’s nothing to recommend this movie for grown-ass adults without kids. I mean, I guess I’ve seen worse kids movies (Norm of the North, I’m trying to ignore you!) but they put minimal effort into the flick and I likely took minimal effort trying to enjoy it. There’s a lot of random modern pop culture jokes that “don’t make sense” given the time period but who really cares? It’s a joke for kiddies so no point getting annoyed. But I just didn’t think any of it was very funny or interesting.
And Neil deGrasse Tyson is in it so that’s a bit weird. I wonder how much you can rent a mustachioed baritone science communicator / astrophysicist for?
Anyhow, now I’m home and the AC guy hasn’t shown up so all my windows are open and I’m hoping it doesn’t hit 90 again. I should probably go buy some fans.
Score: 58