
Incoming isn’t the best teen comedy I’ve ever seen and is actually overly-familiar in its characters and plotlines. But I bet it could be a formative, iconic film to just the right teenager looking for a modern teen comedy.

Get this… it’s about four freshmen who go to their first high school party. That’s it. That’s the movie.

And, sure, it’s very familiar but the four kids are fun, earnest, and cool. Their little individual storylines are reasonably fun and I started to enjoy the cute little romance as they progressed. There’s something that starts out super generic, borderline cringe, that fades away as the familiar storylines unravel.

I slowly started to admire the flick’s good nature and raunchiness. This flick gets scatological, it gets punchy, it gets rude, and it even has some nudity… but it’s never as raunchy as it pretends to be. It’s too low-key charming, low-key romantic, and low-key sweet for that (even if a car gets sprayed with dookie).

Mason Thames plays the lead kid and it’s nice to see how he’s grown since escaping the Grabber’s basement (he was in The Black Phone… took me a few to realize it was him). I didn’t recognize the rest of the young cast but they do a good job (<insert every one of them is super famous on Disney Channel here>).

Bobby Cannavale is in too… playing a teacher who, for some reason maybe I missed, goes to the high school party to party… not to chaperone or tsk tsk the teens. I don’t get it… it’s mildly amusing, but weird (<insert looking deeply into a mirror and acknowledging the irony of me judging a teen comedy>).

So yeah, you might like this flick for the low-key, pretty decent semi-raunchy teen comedy it is. It does have some content the more pure-at-heart might find gross and it might bore you for being just another teen comedy. But it was charming and amusing enough enough for me. I’m genuinely surprised I’m rating it this high.

Score: 80