Kill Craft

A movie where every actor is worse than the last and every line delivery needed a second or third take. Kill Craft is real amateur hour walking. I rented it because I liked the premise and hoped for a hidden gem. It was not.

The flick is about a gloomy teenage girl who finds out her estranged father is a dirty hit man (and not a cool spy). She decides to take on his jobs when he becomes a corpse (half way through the turgid crawl of a movie).

Baffling acting all around… I’m not sure the two teen girls are bad actors so much as maybe they were told to act like overly disaffected youth. If that was the goal, the line readings were still terrible and the film doesn’t justify the remote, angry teen girl theme anyway.

The adults are even worse, almost baffling how bad or how freakin’ weird their acting choices were. I’m not kidding when I say the old guy in a small cemetery gave me visions of Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Yeah, it’s bad and I should have known going in. I hope the young actors are better than this and were just poorly directed. Moving on.

Score: 54