Madea Family Funeral, A

I have to admit that I went to see A Madea Family Funeral by my own will. Having missed all the previous ones (and I put “missed” in quotes), I went to this new one out of boredom and having AMC Movie Pass. I was not kidnapped, the fate of the free world did not depend upon it, nobody had a gun to my head.
Wish one of those was true… it’d have been far more interesting than this alleged comedy. Everything bad they say about Madea movies is true… this was supremely unfunny, poorly edited, and it bounced between tones like crazy. What’s it about? Someone dies, Tyler Perry dresses up like a bunch of people, including old lady Madea, and endless, unfunny, and often irrelevant comedy sequences ensues. Finally it ends with a decent dramatic turn that doesn’t fit in the movie but was at least well acted.
So yeah, continue to not see these movies. Or see it if you like Madea movies I guess. Can’t say for sure if it’s better or worse than all of them. I just know this was a terrible flick, slightly redeemed at the 11th hour with a good monologue about marriage and infidelity.
Score: 59