Nice Girls

Literally the only thing I found amusing about this action/comedy buddy-cop film was the title. At first, I was thinking it was a reference to the buddy-cop film The Nice Guys… and later I realized it was actually a play on girls from Nice, France. Har-de-har-har.

This Netflix film is about a French cop who loses someone important to her and she has to team up with a German detective to figure out what happened. One of them is (allegedly) a hot-head supercop while the other is by-the-book. Can this wacky buddy-cop odd copula do anything remotely interesting or funny… I mean, solve the crime

No. I should leave the review there and walk away. This is a dreadfully unfunny, flatly filmed, boring, and tiresome film that only has one thing going for it… it was filmed on the French Riviera so it gets bonus points for pretty scenery.

I got nothing out of this movie, never laughed once, nor did I give a damn about the plot or the characters. And I’m already done trying to come up with interesting or, ahem, nice things to say about it. Har-de-har-har.

Score: 58