
Went to see the new Tom Cruise sci-fi flick Oblivion and found it to be a reasonably smart, very good looking movie with a fine plot and some nice twists… and plot/logic holes it largely managed to fill in on its own (one of those, “hey wait a second” movies that gets around to explaining itself by the end). Only problem I had was that I had predicted at least one of the twists from the trailers because the movie looks like a big budget version of a small budget sci-fi movie (the title of which I won’t mention in case anyone has seen it and could then predict this movie too) and because of the trailers. That said, the trailers don’t reveal everything so that’s good. Oh, and Jaimie Lannister is in it too… with his “been locked in a cage and am now traveling with a giant woman” beard which works for a post-apocalyptic hell-hole like this movie AND Game of Thrones). Anyhow, if there’s any interest, I say go see it. It’s a solid, well-made flick (with a title that’s pretty much meaningless).

Score: 86