Paddington in Peru

Paddington in Peru is the least of these three Paddington movies but it’s still kinda in the “just fine” camp. It’s an enjoyable enough adventure film with a CGI pear plugged in… along with his smooth, gentle good manners.

In this one, Paddington and the fam return to Peru where he was found. His aunt has gone missing from a home for retired bears run by nuns (<checks Wikipedia>… yup, totally checks out). They catch a ride with boat captain (and professional ham) Antonio Banderas and head up the Amazon looking for El Dorado.

I think turning Paddington into a gentle, kid-friendly Indiana Jones was maybe not the right direction. These films have always had a slight edge to them – like a bear in a prison – but just sticking him into an old hat South American adventure wasn’t my idea of a great idea. It’s all be done before… including for kids (looking at you Dora).

But it was a decent time anyways and I laughed a couple times and smiled a few more. It’s pretty corny and marmalade-y but it gets the job done. And, hey, the rock from Raiders hasn’t had this much work since UHF… so good for it and all of boulder-kind.

Paddington in Peru may not hit the heights of its predecessor without the unbearable weight of massive endorsements, but it aught to be just fine. It sticks with the bear and Ben Wishaw’s totally appropriate accent and tells some hammy and gentle jokes. It’s good enough.

Score: 77