Purge: Election Year

The Purge: Election Year is the third movie in the ongoing “all crime is legal for 12 hours, let’s kill people” series of movies. Like Purge: Anarchy, this one is set in the streets of a major American City (Washington DC). This time, a female senator who is running for president on the promise of ending The Purge has been targeted by assassination by her political rivals. Can her security chief and a host of disenfranchised under class protect her through the long night?
This is a violent and bloody mess of a movie that really wants to make some of the most on-the-nose points about American politics and violence. It wants to have its cake and eat it too and you could call that hypocritical and I guess you’d be right. I should give the movie credit for bothering to have an agenda but I’m not sure they put much thought into it. But I’ve just put more thought into than they probably did. <shrug>.
I have a vague appreciation of this series and this is not as good as Purge: Anarchy but still a bit better than the original Purge movie. It’s fine if you want a big loud bloody action movie. It’s not a particularly good big loud bloody action movie but I’m not sure anyone goes to see these movies for their qualities. Or at least for their class. I was a little bored by this one and the ending was entirely too busy… and I think the movie made a huge continuity error near the end.
Anyhoo, decent movie if you are bound to go see this type of movie or have been following the franchise this long. I’m sure it cost a buck and change to make so it just have to make enough scratch to justify a fourth movie.
Score: 72