Scoop (2024)

Before hitting play on this Netflix movie, I had to contend with the fact I had no idea who Prince Andrew was. Other than, you know, a prince of England who I guess is pretty far removed from the throne? Not exactly in the line of succession? Maybe he’s Chuck’s brother? <One Google search later> Yup… Chuck’s kid brother. Now I know one more thing about a royal family who has no impact on me as a Non-Brit.

But I did hit play… and yeah, it’s about the BBC trying to nail down an interview with Prince Andrew over his association with Jeffry Epstein. Now that’s a name I know, at least. Though I don’t know much about the BBC or these particular reporters so my level of interest only notched up half a tick, at that.

So it’s up to the flick to convince me all this hubbub matters. And it really didn’t. I’m sure this interview was a major rating boost for The Beeb and a zillion Brits watched it, but I hadn’t even heard of it.

But at least the movie was written and acted well. It might not have been the most enthralling re-enactment of events but it was decent enough at being a true life reflection of journalism. And, hell, this is probably what it feels like for everyone outside the US when we export our true-life biopics and true-life stories. I’m not mad at the movie, I’m just not invested.

So, yeah, maybe if you are into the whole royal family or want more juicy juice about Epstein and love hearing other names like Clinton and Trump thrown around in the same sentence, you might like it more than me. Or you may struggle to care.

Score: 78