Sea Fever

Also rented (on iTunes) a cool little horror flick called Sea Fever. Looked generic when it appeared but it’s getting pretty good reviews so decided to give it a chance.
The film follows a university student who buys a berth on a fishing boat so she can study ocean biodiversity. In as fast as you can say “bad idea” the captain takes the ship into an exclusion zone since he knows that’s where the big fish score will be. Little does he realize he’s in a horror flick when previously unknown underwater creatures fasten themselves to his boat and things start to get gross.
I like a good “up from the depths” type sci-fi/horror film but there are’t many out there. This one kind of nails what it sets out to do… strand a bunch of people on a leaking ship with creatures just beneath the waves. There’s a real claustrophobia that comes from how well the boat is filmed… it feels like a real place with a real crew. The movie knows how to ratchet up suspense and deliver rapid moments of intense gore… but it knows not to dwell. It happens, it’s shocking, and we then the characters have to move on deal with the repercussions. It’s a smart, well-shot, well directed little monster flick.
It also dwells on ideas of contamination and quarantine… which surely is just good or bad timing (depending on how much you want to wallow in that real life concern). Of course, there concerns are not our concerns (with COVID-19 being far less explosive and slimy). But… fair warning I guess?
So if you are looking for a very competent, very suspenseful little mood piece, this one is for you. Even if the title is terrible… and even if red heads might take offense (who knew? Irish sailors don’t like red heads onboard).
Score: 83