Sing 2

I modestly enjoyed the first Sing movie… it was your basic underdog achievement movie. It was cute and sold itself well on great animation and a huge amount of licensed pop tunes. I could say all the same for the new film… copy and paste.

Sing 2 finds our crew of all-singing, all-dancing cartoon animals trying to hit it big with their musical stage show. But they want to take it higher… and they get their chance to relocate to a Las Vegas analog and put on a massive musical sky-fi (sci-fi) show.

I think most of the original voice cast is back but now with more pop singers and even more (possibly) songs (including some amusingly inappropriate ones). They drag out the desiccated corpse of Prince to get a super poppy Let’s Go Crazy and then Bono gets fooled into lending his voice (they probably lied and said the movie was about world peace or something).

None of this is bad, but it’s predictable and easy. I’m giving it an ok score, lower than the original, since it basically removed the “little guy tries to live their dreams” plot. Sure, they have to prove they can make it big as a team, but that doesn’t feel as personal.

Amusing enough film. Looks great. Pop songs can be fun. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Score: 78