
Subservience begins as a hugely uneventful sci-fi drama, turns into a low-brow erotic thriller, and ends up the exact same battle with the AI bot you’ve seen before. It does none of this well and does most of it boring.

The film is about a husband who buys an AI robot to help around the house while his wife is in the hospital. By surely total random chance, the bot he buys looks like Megan Fox… who proceeds to be all erotic around him until the wife comes home and then… DRAMA! Followed quickly by murder. Because AI bots who look like a Megan out here being crazy, yo.

The film has pretensions of being about robots replacing us at work. It’s been done better and more convincingly. When it shifts to an erotic thriller starring the creepazoid from the 365 Days movies and Megan Fox (who we are QUICKLY assured has maintained her bod), it’s at least competent with the simulated sex. Whether that’s good or not, I’ll leave to you and your brain… but it does actually go there. When it turns into a bot uprising type movie, you might as well watch a bunch of better films.

Nothing really works here, including Megan Fox as a robot. And you can insert your own joke about Megan Fox being a robot because I’m sure that was the punchline on set. The weird thing is though, the title of the movie – Subservience – is never actually part of the film. MeganBot is always large and in charge. She’s never subservient to anyone so boo on false advertising or something. I dunno.

This movie is pretty bad at every genre it tries to play in… except maybe for the erotic thriller bits…. since, you know… Megan Fox looks good in her unmentionables. But that isn’t enough, certainly when there’s better evil AI movies… like Afraid. And Megan. And 2001, yo!

Score: 64