Vanished into the Night

Vanished into the Night is an Italian paranoia thriller that’s available on Netflix in the US. It’s fine. It doesn’t move the needle for any kind of genre it’s in, it won’t overly impress, but it’s good enough to watch on a lazy Saturday morning.

It’s about a couple with two children who are kidnapped (into the night, I guess) and the only way to get them back is to get mired in various criminal activities and touchy situations. But there’s more going on that expected… though not much more.

Yeah, some of the suspense and thrills are pretty good. And some of the mystery reveals are decent. There are some “but what is real?” moments that didn’t really work since we spend all the time with the character who’s head is being messed with… it looked pretty real to the viwer. If they’d really wanted to mess with the our heads, there’d have been more uncertainty in the scenes.

This movie is ok… perfectly serviceable within the suspense thriller genre. And there’s not much else to say, really. Watch it… or don’t. <shrug>

Score: 72