Went to see Disney’s new video-game themed CGI cartoon Wreck-It Ralph and I’m giving it an endorsement. Very funny, very sweet movie that really earns its potentially cheesy emotional moments (who knew Sarah Silverman could tug on the heart strings?). A lot of fun references and cameos from classic video games… conceptually weird in that its all based on a stand-up arcade that’s still inexplicably running today with classic machines and new “Heroe’s Duty” type modern games (which would be on consoles at home). Whatever – I’ll give that a pass.
If you have any nostalgia for video games, see the movie. And if you don’t have any video game nostalgia, that’s fine too – while much of the movie works on some level of video game logic but the bulk of the flick doesn’t require video game knowledge and works as, as I said, a very fun, funny, and sweet movie.
Score: 86