Black Friday
Black Friday is somewhat mediocre but not a total loss as a horror comedy. It almost gets over the hump into good territory but is held back by clumsy and sluggish editing that kills the pace when it needs be … Continue reading
Black Friday is somewhat mediocre but not a total loss as a horror comedy. It almost gets over the hump into good territory but is held back by clumsy and sluggish editing that kills the pace when it needs be … Continue reading
Cryptic, obscure, impenetrable… I’m not even sure I can talk about this movie in context of what it is, what it’s about, or even what happens. It’s deliberately muddled, murky, and muffled… not something that I think is intended to … Continue reading
I sometimes wonder why I do this to myself… why we do this to ourselves. Odds were very low this was going to be a good movie, yet I hit play with hope that this movie, this time I’ll have stumbled upon a diamond … Continue reading
The only thing more inexplicable than this being a series is me watching them. But like a more toxic Kissing Booth, in for a penny, in for a pound? But, I figured, at least this would be the end. The … Continue reading
Not being a musical theater guy, I didn’t realize this flick was based on a real play much less a real life. It felt like someone’s personal journey fictionalized to the screen though… and it made sense why Lin-Manuel Miranda … Continue reading
You know that sinking feeling when a promising thing slowly just keeps sinking and sinking into mediocrity? That’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife… a movie that so desperately wants to reboot a franchise but somehow doesn’t get what the franchise was and, at … Continue reading
When this movie stars and I see BuzzFeed Studios in the opening credits, I thought… “Curious…” and then a little “Uh oh”. Not that I hate BuzzFeed… but it’s got a style and a mood that doesn’t care if you … Continue reading
The Guilty is a single-location suspense thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal and the voices of other actors (surprise! It’s certainly a Covid production). Jake takes a 911 call and spends the majority of the movie using his particular set of skills … Continue reading
Violet didn’t introduce itself well to me. I see what it was going for but mainly I just felt it starred an inert character. And that’s the name of the game… it’s about a person with crippling self-doubt and I … Continue reading
Spin is not only a Disney+ movie, the opening credits say it’s a Disney Channel movie. That should be a red flag (says the guy who did not grow up on the Disney Channel). But I grit my teeth, pushed … Continue reading